When a small group of Baha’is in the Nashville area made various efforts to advance their understanding of how to combat racism in America, they decided to translate an Equal Justice Initiative video into Farsi that provides a brief history of race in the US.
“After our cluster deepened on the Advent of Divine Justice section on “the most vital and challenging issue”, several of us then took the Wilmette Institute course on race. One of the actions undertaken as a result of our study was to produce a Farsi translation of an Equal Justice Initiative video providing a brief history of race in the US. EJI has given permission for this translation to be shared publicly.
We considered this important because so many of the Persian friends are unfamiliar with this history, and we didn’t want language to be a barrier to beginning their education. Three people in our community took this on as a concrete act of service, performing the actual translation, plus the patient audio engineer.”